Black and Gold Spotlight: Brandon Thomas

What do expect from the team as the 2009 season starts up?
Well I expect a lot out of us because I feel that we are a team with great talent.  I expect everybody to play their role because we all can help each other get better in some way shape or form. I mean I know we are going have our ups and downs, but what team doesn’t?

Describe your experience as a student-athlete at UNCP.
My experience as a college student here at Pembroke is great because I get so much love from everybody, from teachers to students, even when I have a bad game they still show love. I’m just enjoying it as much as possible because I haven’t always been the player that people come to like. Before Coach Miller came I never got to touch the court, so I thank god everyday that I get to play and try to stay humble, but at the same time enjoy it.

What is your most exciting basketball moment in your career?
One of the most exciting moments in my career…that’s a tough one.  It was when we had the sports banquet last year and I got recognized for all my success from last year. I was so happy because I thought people didn’t really recognize all the stuff I did because been working so hard to get where I am today.

Talk a bit about what the team does before a big game.
Before a game the team is spread out doing their own thing, but we all come together and shoot around to try to get in a good spirits doing dunks and tricks.

Who or what is/are your biggest basketball inspiration?
My biggest basketball inspiration is Michael Jordan, of course, and Lebron James and Kobe Bryant because they all are great players and leaders so I try to learn as much as I can from them by the way they play.  Another major inspiration that I have is all the people that push me to be where I am today; my mom, my dad and all the people that I work with at Bally Total Fitness before I started playing really well.  I definitely can’t forget about Coach Roose and Coach Mahd who put me on the football lifting program and the whole football staff who helped me and let me work out with them.

What do you do personally before a game?
Before a game I just really relax and try to not to get too nervous.   I’m always nervous; I don’t know why, I just always am, but once the ball goes up I’m good.

What was the last movie you watched?
The last movie I watched was GI Joe.

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